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The SSI Assistant Instructor Program provides every candidate with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform the duties of an Assistant Instructor. These tasks include the implementation of diving courses at the entry level under the supervision of an open water instructor. In addition, the programs Scuba Skills Update, Try Scuba and Perfect Buoyancy can be carried out independently.


Requirements for participants
• Minimum age: 18 years
• At least 60 logged open water dives with a dive time of at least 40 hours.

Have the following SSI certification in active status or an equivalent certification from one of SSI
recognized diving association:

• Divemaster

• Recommended course duration to graduation: 35-42.
• The number of lessons and lessons per day are determined by the instructor, based on the
Skills and needs of the candidates as well as the local environmental conditions are determined.

Requirements for passing
• At least 75 logged open water dives with a dive time of at least 50 hours.
• Chapters 1 - 6 read and worked through, as well as the review questions and evaluations of the digital
Have answered Instructor Training course material.
• Theory lectons 1-6 completed as described in the Instructor Manual of the Instructor Training Course
to have..
• Passing the program-specific final test with at least 90%.
• Passing the candidate fitness in water assessment as described in the SSI Training Standards
if the last fitness assessment was more than 6 months ago.
• Met all requirements and passed all assessments for practical lessons 1-7, such as
described in the instructor manual for the Instructor Training Course.

Permissions in the active state
In addition to the programs that a Professional Dive Guide is allowed to train in active status, the Assistant
Instructor in active status train, monitor and certify the following programs:
• Scuba Rangers
• Try Scuba
• Scuba Skills Update
• Perfect Buoyancy

Assistant instructors in active status may train the following programs in addition to their active status as Divemaster:
• Open Water Diver lessons in theory and pool / confined water (with the exception of emergency ascent exercises)
Perform under the indirect supervision of an Open Water Instructor in active status.
• Under the indirect supervision of an active Open Water Instructor, the surface skills in the
Directly monitor and evaluate open water during the Open Water Diver diving program.
• Register as a Specialty Instructor for some SSI Specialty programs.
• Participate in the Instructor Training Course.

Assistant instructors are not allowed to:
• Issue Open Water Diver Certifications.
• Carry out open water training for introductory courses independently.
• Training in emergency ascent exercises, such as ascent with breathing gas sharing, swimming emergency ascent
or carry out an emergency ascent using buoyancy.

The assistant instructor training takes place at the same time as our ITCs.


"Lots of little things together make something big."


© 2020 SSI Instructor Training College

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